How Long Does Oat Milk Last After Expiration Date

How to Make Oat Milk

How Long Does Oat Milk Last After the Expiration Date?

Oat milk has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its creamy texture, nutritional value, and versatility. However, like all perishable foods, oat milk has a limited shelf life. Understanding how long oat milk lasts after the expiration date is crucial to ensure its safety and quality.

To delve into this topic, let’s first explore the factors influencing oat milk’s shelf life and then delve into the specifics of its expiration date and storage guidelines.

Shelf Life of Oat Milk

The shelf life of oat milk primarily depends on several factors:

  • Packaging: Oat milk comes in two primary packaging types: Tetra Paks (cardboard cartons) and plastic jugs. Tetra Paks generally extend oat milk’s shelf life due to their ability to block light and oxygen.
  • Ingredients: The presence of preservatives and stabilizers can enhance oat milk’s shelf life. However, organic or unsweetened oat milk varieties without additives tend to have a shorter shelf life.
  • Storage Conditions: Oat milk’s shelf life is significantly impacted by storage temperature. Refrigeration below 40°F (4°C) slows down microbial growth, extending its shelf life.

Expiration Date of Oat Milk

The expiration date printed on oat milk packaging indicates the manufacturer’s recommended timeframe for consuming the product at its peak quality. While oat milk may still be safe to consume after this date, its flavor and nutritional value may have diminished.

Once opened, oat milk’s shelf life is reduced due to exposure to air and potential contamination. Refrigerated open oat milk typically lasts for 5-7 days, depending on the packaging and storage conditions.

Tips for Extending Oat Milk’s Shelf Life

  • Store oat milk properly: Keep oat milk refrigerated below 40°F (4°C) and away from light sources.
  • Seal tightly: After opening, ensure the container is tightly sealed to prevent air from entering.
  • Minimize exposure to air: When pouring oat milk, use a clean spoon or measuring cup to minimize air exposure.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can effectively extend oat milk’s shelf life and maintain its quality for longer.

Expert Advice

Registered dietitian Sarah Koszyk recommends consuming oat milk within 5-7 days of opening to ensure optimal freshness and nutritional value. She advises against consuming oat milk that has developed an off odor or taste, as this could indicate spoilage.

If you’re uncertain about oat milk’s freshness, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and discard it to avoid potential foodborne illnesses.


  1. Q: Can oat milk be frozen?
    A: Yes, oat milk can be frozen for up to 2-3 months. It may separate upon thawing, but simply shake it well to recombine.
  2. Q: Is it safe to drink oat milk past its expiration date?
    A: While oat milk may not necessarily spoil immediately after the expiration date, its quality and nutritional value may decline. For optimal safety and taste, consume it within the recommended time frame.
  3. Q: How can I tell if oat milk has spoiled?
    A: Signs of spoilage include sour or off odors, changes in texture (e.g., curdling), and the presence of mold or discoloration.


Understanding the shelf life of oat milk is essential for ensuring its safety and maximizing its nutritional value. By adhering to the guidelines provided, you can extend oat milk’s shelf life and enjoy its creamy goodness for longer. If you have any further questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to consult a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized advice.

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