Mail Wants To Sign Using Key Privatekey In Your Keychain

Solved] Assistantd Wants to Use Login Keychain on Mac

Mail wants to sign using key “privatekey” in your keychain

The other day, I was trying to send an email when I got a message that said, “Mail wants to sign using key “privatekey” in your keychain.” I had no idea what that meant, so I clicked on “Help” and found this explanation:

“When you sign an email, you are cryptographically binding your identity to the contents of the message. This assures the recipient that the message came from you and has not been tampered with in transit. Your private key is used to create a digital signature that is unique to you.”

What is a digital signature?

A digital signature is an electronic signature that is used to verify the authenticity of a digital message or document. It is created by using a mathematical algorithm to encrypt the message or document with the sender’s private key. The recipient of the message or document can then use the sender’s public key to decrypt the message or document and verify that it was sent by the sender.

Digital signatures are used to ensure that a message or document has not been tampered with in transit. They can also be used to verify the identity of the sender. Digital signatures are used in a variety of applications, including email, electronic commerce, and software distribution.

How do I create a digital signature?

To create a digital signature, you need a private key and a public key. Your private key is used to encrypt the message or document, and your public key is used to decrypt the message or document. You can create a private key and a public key using a variety of software applications, including OpenSSL and GPG.

Once you have created a private key and a public key, you can use them to create a digital signature. To do this, you will need to use a digital signature application, such as OpenSSL or GPG. The digital signature application will use your private key to encrypt the message or document, and it will then attach the digital signature to the message or document.

What are the benefits of using a digital signature?

There are a number of benefits to using a digital signature, including:

  • Authentication: Digital signatures can be used to verify the identity of the sender of a message or document.
  • Non-repudiation: Digital signatures can be used to prevent the sender of a message or document from denying that they sent the message or document.
  • Integrity: Digital signatures can be used to ensure that a message or document has not been tampered with in transit.
  • Confidentiality: Digital signatures can be used to encrypt a message or document so that it can only be decrypted by the intended recipient.

How can I use a digital signature?

You can use a digital signature in a variety of applications, including:

  • Email: You can use a digital signature to sign your emails to verify your identity and to prevent your emails from being tampered with in transit.
  • Electronic commerce: You can use a digital signature to sign electronic contracts and other documents to create a legally binding agreement.
  • Software distribution: You can use a digital signature to sign software packages to verify the authenticity of the software and to prevent the software from being tampered with in transit.


Digital signatures are a valuable tool that can be used to improve the security of your online communications. By using a digital signature, you can verify the identity of the sender of a message or document, prevent the message or document from being tampered with in transit, and create a legally binding agreement.

If you are interested in using a digital signature, I recommend that you research the topic further. There are a number of resources available online that can help you get started.


Q: What is the difference between a digital signature and an electronic signature?

A: A digital signature is a mathematical algorithm that is used to verify the authenticity of a digital message or document. An electronic signature is a digital representation of a handwritten signature.

Q: Are digital signatures legally binding?

A: Yes, digital signatures are legally binding in many countries, including the United States and the European Union.

Q: How do I create a digital signature?

A: You can create a digital signature using a variety of software applications, including OpenSSL and GPG.

Q: How do I use a digital signature?

A: You can use a digital signature in a variety of applications, including email, electronic commerce, and software distribution.

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